
Zoll Aed Plus Defibrillator

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Ships Directly From Supplier’s Warehouse. Est. Ship Date Feb. 03, 2025
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Zoll AED Plus Defibrillator

When a cardiac arrest occurs, the fact is that only half of the victims will need a shock. The other half requires CPR resuscitation.

You deserve an automated external defibrillator (AED) that helps you all the time. And, only one AED can actually see when you are doing CPR resuscitation and help you do it well. You need more than just commands, without assistance. That's not smart, and it's certainly not help.

ZOLL's AED Plus features Real CPR Help, a tool that is able to actually see what you are doing and provide feedback to help you do it well. Audio and visual prompts help you rescue with confidence and clarity unmatched by any other automated external defibrillator (AED).

  • Not pushing hard enough? It will tell you when to push harder.
  • Pushing hard enough? It will say, "Good compressions."
  • Not pushing fast enough? A metronome will lead you to the right rate.
  • It will even show you the depth of each compression. In real time.
  • Not yet started? The AED Plus will tell you again to get started.
  • Compressions stopped? It will tell you to continue.

CPR Resuscitation Help:

ZOLL believes an AED should not just deliver a shock. It should also help the rescuer provide high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR resuscitation). That's why you need ZOLL's AED Plus with Real CPR Help.

The AED Plus offers:

Real CPR Help for rate and depth of compressions.
Support for the complete Chain of Survival.
Help to all victims of SCA, even those for which no shock is advised.
A one-piece pad for fast and accurate placement.
Consumer lithium camera batteries available from retail stores.

Other important features:

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