
ScripHessco Economy Smooth Headrest Paper, 8.5"W x 225'L for Chiropractor & Exam Tables

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ScripHessco Economy Smooth Headrest Paper, 8.5"W x 225'L for Chiropractor & Exam Tables

The ScripHessco Economy Smooth Headrest Paper is designed especially for chiropractors and other medical professionals looking for an affordable yet high quality product that will satisfy them and their customers. Available in a variety of different formats and options, you’re sure to find the perfect headrest paper for you among our line of ScripHessco Economy Smooth Headrest Papers.


  • available in rolls or squares.
  • 25 rolls in a case
  • Each roll of smooth white paper measures 8.5”W x 225’L.
  • White crêpe paper rolls measure 8½” x 125’L.
  • This product is made in the USA.


 RELIABLE PROTECTION: These rolls of single-use paper provide unparalleled protection from contamination. It’s hygienic and convenient to use, too. You and your patients will all love the experience of using this paper on a daily basis! Not only does it protect the health of your patients, it also protects your expensive table from dirt and moisture, helping it stay looking great for longer.

VERSATILE: Not just for chiropractors! Massage therapists, physical therapists and more can make use of these rolls of headrest cover paper on their examination tables. The universal, standard size means that this paper will work well on virtually any standard chiropractic or examination table.

STRONG AND DURABLE: This paper is thick and durable, resisting tears even during movement on the chiropractic table or examination table. It’s pure white color is classy and keeps your office looking sleek and clean. It also helps to protect your table from any moisture, oils, or dirt.

SAVE MONEY: An order of ScripHessco Economy Smooth Headrest Paper includes 25 rolls per case and is priced to offer you the best value for a high-quality paper. It’s efficient, too--since this paper is available in a roll format, you won’t have to struggle to get the exam room ready for your next patient.

COMFORTABLE TEXTURE: As a chiropractor or other medical professional, your patients’ comfort is always a priority. ScripHessco Economy Smooth Headrest Paper is available in both smooth and crêpe textures, both of which are comfortable for your patients to sit or lie on as you perform examinations or procedures. The papers have a smooth, silky texture so you can rest assured that your customers are having the best experience possible.

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Brand Name ScripHessco
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