Equipment and Supply Sale Representatives
Contact the sales representative closest to your area for information on our equipment & supply offers. If there is no regional office close to you, please contact Mike Peterson or Steve Forster at (800) 237-5652 for assistance.
Karen Jordan | AZ, NM, UT | (800) 258-4444 |
Doug Schultz | CA, NV, WA, OR, HI, ID, AK | (800) 258-4444 |
Chad Bruen | FL, TN, AR, MS, AL | (800) 541-4434 |
Larry Knutson | IL, IA, KS, MO, MN, SD, ND, NE, MT, WY, CO | (877) 636-2225 |
Jeff Woehler | IN, OH, KY, MI | (877) 393-2225 |
Kevin Baltzer | NJ, NY, PA, CT, MD, DE, RI, MA, ME, NH, VT, WV, VA | (877) 919-2225 |
Steve Forster | Intl. | (877) 346-4400 |
John Halsey | GA, SC, NC | (331) 302-6007 |
Brayden Woodruff | TX, OK, LA | (630) 771-7424 |
Mike Peterson | WI | (630) 771-7479 |
Tony Bennett | Nat'l X-Ray Mgr | (317) 414-4438 |
Advantage Medical | IN, OH, KY | (800) 577-5694 |